Law Professor Michael Littlewood explains how a sugar tax could be implemented

Modelling study from Mexico projects thousands of lives saved as a result of the sugary drinks tax

A radio NZ interview with one of the authors, Joanne Penko, here:'s-sugar-tax-set-to-save-19-thousand-lives-study

Recently, Andrea McDonald from Otago University has produced a comprehensive report concerning the issue of sugary drinks in the Pacific. Please follow the links below for further information:

A number of research papers appeared in an edition of 'Pacific Health Dialog', released in March 2014. Dr Gerhard Sundborn edited the edition. The articles explore different topics relating to the health and behavioural effects of sugary drink intake in New Zealand and the Pacific.

The reference for the journal is:

Pacific Health Dialog
Journal of Public Health and Clinical Medicine for the Pacific
Volume 20 Number 1: March 2014
ISSN 1015-7867

The papers may be downloaded (as pdfs) from the links below.

0 Editorial
1 Rheumatic Fever in New Zealand
2 Fat Storage Syndrome in Pacific Peoples
3 The Case to Ban Sugary Food and Drink from Schools
4 An End Game for Sugar Sweetened Beverages
5 Sugar Sweetened Beverages, Urate, Gout and Genetic Interaction
6 Sugar Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Diabetes and Oral Health
7 Sugar Sweetened Beverages in Pacific Island Countries and Territories
8 Sugar Added to Foods Consumed in New Zealand and Tokelau
9 Sweetened and Unsweetened Non alcoholic Beverages in New Zealand
10 Soft Drink Consumption in Pacific Island Countries and Territories
11 The Utility of Serving Size in the Measurement of Soft Drink Consumption
12 Dietary Intakes of Pacific Ethnic Groups and European People
13 Carbonated Beverages Consumption among New Zealand Youth and Associations with BMI and Waist Circumference
14 Carbonated Beverage Consumption in New Zealand Adults
15 Kelston Beverages Pilot Study
16 The Story of FiZZ
17 Policy Brief
18 Speech - Tariana Turia, Sugary Drink Free Pacific and New Zealand by 2030